六成受訪大學生認為「興趣成職業」只是社會空談 「去興趣化」傾向增加青年職業發展焦慮感

(2020年5月31日) 大學除了讓青年學習知識,亦為未來職業發展(下稱職展)作準備,惟不時有調查指大學生對就業前景感焦慮......


HK01:【武漢肺炎】學生停課基層家庭缺支援 機構發起視像方式關懷服務

(HK01 | 2020年2月12日) 武漢新型肺炎疫情蔓延,為減少學生感染的風險,教育局早前宣布全港中小學及幼稚園停課至3月2日。突破機構指,不少基層家長反映孩子在家缺乏陪伴及學習支援......


SHKP mentors help young people thrive Youngsters complete six-month Modern Apprenticeship Programme on a high note

(23 January, 2020) The graduation ceremony for the 2019 Modern Apprenticeship Programme themed ‘Exploration and Practice in the Workplace’, sponsored by ......


SHKP mentors supporting young people for 17 consecutive years Exploring the workplace and putting knowledge into practice to unfold future possibilities

(24 July, 2019) Sun Hung Kai Properties is committed to nurturing young people through different initiatives, including for the 17th consecutive year, sponsoring the Modern Apprenticeship Programme, co-hosted with Breakthrough......
