Youth Global Network
Youth Global Network (YGN) aims at “Making a missional youth community with global perspectives and local impact”. Key ministries include: Kam Tin Glocal Cultural Hub, Endowment for Youth Global Development, Coffee & Life Ministry, Creative Coding for Change, etc. We promotes youth cultivation with new and creative model.

The Youth Foundation
By subsidizing various projects and services in Mainland China, The Youth Foundation aims to develop and carry out life education and path-finding for youth, and to undertake researches and pilot schemes on youth nurturing and development.

Breakthrough Overseas Missions
Breakthrough Overseas Missions (BOM), which was set up by a group of Breakthrough volunteers and supporters who had migrated to Canada in 1992, is now registered as a non-profit making charitable organization. It has established an overseas network enabling our overseas supporters to continue their support to our services. >>DETAILS

The Ark Community
The Ark Community is jointly set up by Christian & Missionary Alliance Shatin Church and Breakthrough. In September 1996, Christian & Missionary Alliance Shatin Church formed The Ark Community in Breakthrough Youth Village to serve the disabled and to worship God together as well as sharing mutual devotion to Christ. Apart from a weekly worship, the Ark community alsoorganises Sunday School classes , prayer gatherings, fellowship groups at care homes to encourage both the healthy and unwell to follow Christ and worship God.
Sunday worships:
Time : Every Sunday morning from 9.30 a.m. to 11.00 a.m.
Venue : Breakthrough Youth Village Hall (Breakthrough Youth Village, 33 Ah Kung Kok Shan Road, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong)