Holders of Breakthrough library cards may borrow the following items:
1. A total of 10 Chinese and English books, Hong Kong information packages and audio-visual materials. The loan period is two weeks for books and one week for tapes. Special arrangements can be made at the discretion of the Librarian.
2. Renewal:
The loan may be renewed once if the item is not booked by another person.
3. Overdue fines:
A fine of HK$1 is imposed for each day overdue, with Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays excluded for such calculation.
4. Lost or damaged items:
Borrowers will have to compensate for the loss or damage by paying the market price of the item plus an administrative charge of HK$30.
5. If the borrower fails to return books or pay outstanding fees, his or her rights to borrow at the library shall be temporarily suspended.
6. A fee of HK$20 is charged for the replacement of a library card.